Spring is approaching! A time of rebirth, growth, transformation, and of course...ABUNDANCE!
Is there a more perfect time to grow and cultivate and...JUMPSTART our abundance?
It's important for us all to do this because it is just WAY TOO easy to think in terms of IMpossibilities rather than in possibilities, to think of what we're lacking instead of what we already have, to think of everything we do wrong instead of everything we do that is EVER SO RIGHT, to simply survive...instead of thrive.
Don't we owe ourselves better than that? Don't we owe ourselves, and our beautiful goals and desires and dreams more than that?
Yeah. We DO.
Easier said than done, right? So in honor of springtime, let's plant some seeds so our beautiful abundance can grow for us to have an absolutely magical 2016...and beyond!
We started on March 1st, but you are still totally welcome to join us!
In this free (yes, FREE!) program, we're going to take on how to jumpstart your abundance when it comes to love, sex, creativity, money, spirituality, mindset, community, and SO MUCH MORE!
Yes, friends, I am diving deeeeeeep into my tool chest to provide you with some of THE most powerful tools I've got! I'm drawing on my social justice, social work, abundance coaching, fierce cheerleading, and financial services background to share my favorite and most effective tools...with the SOLE PURPOSE of supporting you in going to that next level...and JUMPSTARTING your abundance!
I gotta be honest: I'm COMPELLED to share all this info with you. Like, it would be wrong and selfish of me not to.
Let me tell you why.
In 2009, I had about $60K in debt and no way to pay it off, so I filed for bankruptcy.
I felt so much shame about this and so much self-loathing that it's hard to even articulate now. Just trust me when I say I was in a bad place. I was unhappy, my relationships were suffering, and of course, I was brooooooke.
By using MANY of the tools I'm sharing in this program, I transformed my life from one of lack and crisis driven...to one that is abundant and joyful.
I created a career I adore. Last year I moved somewhere I've wanted to live forever (the beautiful Mendocino Coast in Northern California), and in a few short months, I'm about to embark on a lifetime dream trip to...Antarctica!
So trust me when I tell you: these tools WORK, and if it was possible for me to shift my mindset and implement knowledge to change my life, then you absolutely can too.
How it'll work:
You'll get one email per day in March--from the 1st till the 31st--all with the goal of setting up your abundance foundation...and going even higher!
What you're going to get:
Each day, you'll receive a simple yet powerful exercise, thought, tool, or action step--sent right to your inbox! You can read these goodies quickly and easily, and they'll pull you right out of your scarcity rut (because I know how easy it is to get stuck in the "I don't have, I'll never have, and why does everyone else have?") and into an inner and outer sense of abundance, I-am-enough-ness, and opportunity.
The impact of 31 days of your commitment to YOUR abundance will create shifts that you never believed were possible. In this FREE program, you receive an email a day....that translates into a cart-load of transformation!!!!
Why you need to do this:
Because sometimes we all need that little extra added kick in the tush to focus on ourselves and our growth! It's so easy to get caught up in the minutiae of day-to-day life, and to lose sight of the big picture. Well, the big picture is the life that we want to live, the life that would feel so good and be awesome to live! So let's make it happen!
How to do it:
Make sure you put in your info below so you can start on time on March 1st and start ROCKING your abundance!
One more thing:
Throughout the month, I'm going to be raffling off some fabulous stuff! One-on-one sessions with me, gift cards, and other gifts can be yours...if you sign up! :) And, because I'm a huge believer in abundance (obviously!), if you found out about this because of someone and you put their name in the box below, then...they get an extra entry in the raffle! But only if I know who referred you. So make sure you say who referred you in the box below so they get that entry!
Bonus...once you sign up, you can share the love and get extra entries in the raffle too! (More info once you sign up.)
Such abundance...already! :)
PS: I really, really hope you join us for 31 Days & 31 Ways to Jumpstart Your Abundance! You are amazeballs, and you deserve a life full of abundance and joy and where you let your beautiful light shine!